Monday, August 1, 2011

Goodbye home!

I'm heading Seattle for the first show of the AOU's North American Tour 2011 and I'm deeply moved, since it's the first time I tour the States.
But the will to challenge and surpass myself it's far stronger than all the emotions I could have.
I'm so proud of all the hard work we've done in the last two years, as a group of musicians, persons, and friends, that I'm sure and confident of the amazing power I'll bring with me.
Until here, a dream come true. Something I take with me since I was a boy, since I started to play and sing and compose.
Twenty years ago.
As Raoul, Ken-Oh of Hokuto No Ken, I'll trace a line on the ground, surpass it, and I'll never back down on my steps.
Facing destiny with a sneer on my face! HAHAH!


  1. I'm proud to have been part of this...!!! -cya-

  2. gia' 20 anni fa!!! il duro lavoro e la passione viene ricompensata!!
